Documentation Industry Survey Reports
2018 Employer/Learner Survey Summary
At the recommendation of AHDI’s Educational Strategy Task Force, two surveys were conducted in May of 2018. The goal was to identify the professional and educational needs of employers and learners, as well as the gap between those needs. This 14-page .pdf document is a summary of both the Employer Value Initiative Survey and the Learner Value Initiative Survey.
2016 MTSO Benchmarking Survey Report
With little data available on medical transcription service organizations (MTSOs), AHDI began conducting a benchmarking study to fill this gap. The survey is conducted biennially to support healthcare documentation companies and practitioners in understanding the trends and practices of MTSOs. The study covers five main areas: Company Demographics, Economic and Business Climate, The Workforce, Marketing and Sales, and Infrastructure.
2011 EHR Future Roles Survey Report, Bentley University
Once again, Bentley University researchers teamed up with AHDI to develop and conduct a survey of EHR future roles to provide a perspective into the roles and responsibilities fulfilled by the different professionals in the EHR process life-cycle. Click the link below to access this survey:

For more information on the study, please contact:
Gary David, PhD
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology
Bentley University
Waltham, MA 02452
(781) 891-2698
2007 Medical Transcriptionist Survey, Bentley College
For over a year, a team from Bentley College (now Bentley University) engaged in a comprehensive study of the medical transcription industry. The first study of its kind, it provided important information regarding the role of the industry in healthcare. The study includes an examination of how MTs perform their work, off-shore medical transcription, the development and implementation of quality improvement technologies, the role of speech recognition on the production process, and evaluation tools to gauge industry performance.
The study was completed in early 2008, with preliminary results related specifically to medical transcriptionists released in May of 2008. Click the link below to access this survey.
For more information on the study, please contact:
Gary David, PhD
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology
Bentley University
Waltham, MA 02452
(781) 891-2698