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Sign Up for the CHDP Exam

Apply for CHDP Exam Eligibility

Exam candidates must apply for exam eligibility prior to being able to pay for, schedule, and take a credentialing exam. It is $10 to apply for exam eligibility, which will be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of processing.

Log into the AHDI website to apply for and submit your exam eligibility. AHDI members and guests need to sign into their record/account. If you do not have a record/account, register as a Guest member or purchase AHDI membership.

CHDP-A and CHDP-S Exam Eligibility

Having the CHDP credential is a prerequisite to taking the auditor and/or scribe micro exam(s). As noted above, exam eligibility for the CHDP is valid for 180 days from the date of processing. CHDP holders are eligible to take the auditor and/or scribe exam without having to pay another $10 exam eligibility fee if you sign up and take your exam(s) within that 180-day window. CHDP holders who do not take a micro-credentialing exam within the 180-day window must apply for exam eligibility again and pay the $10 fee.

Sign Up for an Online Proctored (OLP) Credentialing Exam

Please note that the following is a brief overview of the process. Step-by-step instructions will be provided in your Authorization-to-Test email.

    1. Apply for exam eligibility and pay the $10 processing fee. Within 5 business days, you will receive an Authorization-to-Test email.
    2. Once you are authorized to test, you will need to log in and pay for your credentialing exam through AHDI’s website (step-by-step instructions will be provided in your Authorization-to-Test email).
    3. Once purchased, you will receive an email from containing your login information to schedule your exam.

You will take your secure OLP credentialing exam using the Google Chrome web browser. Click the links below to download information about the exams, OLP compatibility, hardware specifications, and security requirements.

Exam Pricing


Certified Healthcare Documentation Professional (CHDP) Exam

CHDP Exam 2-hour session Eligible Member Price List Price
Online proctored exam $125 $205

Auditor Micro-Credential (CHDP-A) Exam

(you must have already earned your CHDP to purchase this exam)

Auditor Micro Exam (1-hour session) Eligible Member Price List Price
Online proctored exam $75 $100

Scribe Micro-Credential (CHDP-S) Exam

(you must have already earned your CHDP to purchase this exam)

Scribe Micro Exam (1-hour session) Eligible Member Price List Price
Online proctored exam $75 $100

Bulk Exam Pricing for Employers and Schools

Visit page.

Order the CHDP Exam Guide: A Walk Through the Blueprint

Practitioners who seek access to the CHDP exam need to begin that process of preparation with a strong orientation to the exam blueprint, and this study guide provides a “walk through the blueprint,” the goal of which is to help CHDP candidates have a clear understanding of the industry’s expectations of competency for which a candidate will be evaluated on the exam. Digital licenses are available for the CHDP Exam Guide as 180-day, 365-day, and perpetual digital licenses.

Take a Practice Exam

Practice exams are available for the CHDP credential and for the Auditor and Scribe micro-credentialing exams. Before sitting for your credentialing exam, you may wish to take the respective AI-proctored practice exam(s). Learn more.

Special Accommodation Requests

Special accommodations for AHDI credentialing examinations must be requested for preapproval a minimum of 30 days prior to testing. Requests for accommodations, particularly those related to visual or physical disability, medical condition/illness, etc., should be submitted to Contact AHDI for assistance at 800-982-2182 or

Please note: requests for accommodations related to test aids (reference books, foot pedals, scratch paper, calculators, and online resources) will not be accepted, as these items are prohibited for all candidates per the policies outlined in the CHDP Recertification Guide, regardless of disability or special needs.

Join AHDI First to Save on Certification!

Membership in AHDI is not required to take AHDI credentialing exams. However, AHDI members save $80 on their credentialing exams and receive many valuable resources and benefits. To receive the discounted AHDI member pricing on your credentialing exam, you must join AHDI before submitting your exam eligibility fee.

Review AHDI’s membership categories and benefits and join online today.


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