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Sustaining Member

Sustaining membership ($75) is available for individuals who have left the healthcare documentation field but wish to remain connected to our community. To be eligible for Sustaining membership, you must have been an AHDI Individual Professional member for at least 5 years. Please contact the AHDI office for more information or to transition your membership to this category. Here are just a few of the ways you can “Maximize Your Membership” with AHDI:

get started


  • Read industry resources and updates regularly
  • Receive discounts on AHDI books, products, education, and credentialing
  • Access free credit-worthy content in the Online Learning Library
  • Save on products from industry partners such as Dell, Wolters Kluwer, and others
  • Enjoy a variety of continuing educational opportunities
get connected


  • Access member/credentialed member directories and professional practice support services
  • Network with others through quarterly “Ask AHDI” networking chats
  • Attend AHDI’s annual virtual conference for education, networking, and vendor savings
  • Help coordinate or attend educational and social events
get involved


  • Join our advocacy efforts
  • Volunteer for opportunities such as serving on a committee/task force
  • Exercise your right to vote!
  • Participate in AHDI’s Integrity Awards—nominate, vote, win!

Contact AHDI to learn more about Sustaining Membership.



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