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Applying for a Scholarship

As the program funds grow, membership scholarships will be awarded by lottery/random drawing (timing will vary). Applications may be submitted anytime but will expire after one year. After one year, you may reapply if you were not awarded a scholarship. If an applicant’s hardship is resolved before a membership scholarship is awarded, we kindly request that you to contact AHDI to withdraw your application.

To qualify, an individual must meet the criteria below:

    • Currently unemployed or underemployed and actively seeking a position in healthcare documentation. Examples of underemployment include:
      • Working part-time but seeking full-time work.
      • Job requires significantly less than your skills, education, or availability to work.
      • Working full-time but living below the poverty level.
    • Work experience in the healthcare documentation or health information management field.
    • Cannot afford the cost of AHDI membership.
    • Have access to a computer, internet access, and an email account.

    Awarded applicants will receive a one-year AHDI Individual Professional membership. Only one membership scholarship will be awarded per person. Once you receive a membership scholarship, you may not apply to receive a second one.

    Scholarship Recipients: Your Commitment and Ours

    AHDI will not publicize the names of scholarship recipients. It is entirely your choice to decide if you’d like to share that news or not.

    When your AHDI membership is activated, you’ll receive an email notification with information on accessing your benefits. It’s important to follow the links to the AHDI website to log into your account, download the Member Reference Guide, and tour the site.

    Now that you’re an AHDI member, it’s time to get engaged—to make the most of your membership. Review the following areas that all offer tremendous value on continuing education and professional networking:

    One last thought to keep in mind. When your hardship becomes a distant memory, consider paying it forward by donating to the fund. Your random act of kindness will go a long way in helping another healthcare documentation specialist overcome the challenges they are facing.

    Other Information

    Please note, submitting an application does not guarantee that you will be awarded a scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded based on the funds donated to the program. Awarded memberships are not transferable nor may they be redeemed for cash. AHDI reserves the right to modify or discontinue the program at any time.


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