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Individual Professional Member

Individual Professional membership ($150) is ideal for all healthcare documentation professionals! AHDI provides the support, resources, and tools needed for growth and advancement in your healthcare documentation career. Here are just a few of the ways you can “Maximize Your Membership” with AHDI:

get started


  • Read industry resources and updates regularly
  • Receive discounts on AHDI books, products, education, and credentialing
  • Access free credit-worthy content in the Online Learning Library
  • Save on products from industry partners such as Dell, Wolters Kluwer, and others
  • Enjoy a variety of continuing educational opportunities
get connected


  • Access member/credentialed member directories and professional practice support services
  • Network with others through quarterly “Ask AHDI” networking chats
  • Attend AHDI’s annual virtual conference for education, networking, and vendor savings
  • Help coordinate or attend educational and social eck Herevents
get involved


  • Join our advocacy efforts
  • Volunteer for opportunities such as serving on the Board of Directors or a committee/task force
  • Exercise your right to vote!
  • Earn your Fellow designation
  • Participate in AHDI’s Integrity Awards—nominate, vote, win!


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