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HIPAA Compliance


The HIPAA Conundrum

HIPAA compliance, privacy, security, breach notification, disclosures, audit protocols…has your mind already started to wander or did your ears perk up? While compliance rules and regulations aren’t high on most people’s list of exciting topics and can also be confusing and seem complicated, there is no question as to its necessity: It’s the law.

HIPAA Compliance Guide & Quick Reference (2nd Edition) e-book

Released June 1, 2017

AHDI’s HIPAA Compliance Guide and HIPAA Compliance Quick Reference checklist have been updated to include the latest standards and regulations information. New to this guide is content about cybercrime—including hacking and ransomware—along with good practice solutions. This guide spells out the steps of HIPAA compliance in easy-to-understand language. It outlines the role of covered entities and business associates as well as the compliance expectations of each, to include the process of risk analysis and the risks and penalties of noncompliance. Numerous resources and examples to accomplish compliance quickly are provided. Fines for noncompliance are the highest to date, so this guide is a must-have for independent contractors and small businesses to avoid potential loss of business, large penalties, or ending up on HHS’s “Wall of Shame.”

CECs: 3 Medicolegal (ML)


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