Counting Down to HDIVC25!
Call for Presentations
We are pleased to invite dynamic industry experts, educators, practitioners, and authors to submit a Call for Presentations form if they wish to present at the AHDI Healthcare Documentation Integrity Virtual Conference taking place August 5-8, 2025.
Upon submission of a Call for Presentations form, the Program Committee will review the submitted form. If they feel the presentation outlined is a fit for the program, they will contact the presenter(s)/applicant(s).
About AHDI
The Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) is the world’s largest not-for-profit association representing the individuals and organizations in healthcare documentation. AHDI’s purpose is to protect the integrity of patients’ health information through continuous workforce development and the support of practitioners and industry partners. Learn more about AHDI’s Healthcare Documentation Integrity Conference by visiting our web page.
General Information
Speaker Benefits
As an AHDI presenter, you get valuable visibility before your colleagues, business associates, and employers or employees, as well as numerous networking opportunities. You will contribute to the professional development of healthcare documentation managers, supervisors, practitioners, educators, and students while helping to advance best practices in healthcare documentation.
Criteria for Selection
Criteria for selection will include innovation, relevance, and items of on-the-job, academic, and professional interest from entry-level to advanced. However, greater emphasis will be placed on intermediate-to advanced-level abstracts. The committee is seeking contributions that provide participants with practical approaches to current issues and problems and forward-looking and insightful information and guidance on the evolving roles of healthcare documentation specialists.
Notification of Acceptance
If an application is chosen by the Program Committee to be included in the program, the presenter will be contacted directly by a committee member.
Proposal Guidelines & Requirements
- Limit speaker panels submissions to no more than four (4) presenters. Panel members should represent different organizations or areas of practice and present various perspectives.
- More than one session proposal/topic may be submitted.
- Finalize presenter participation prior to submitting proposal. The Committee will not consider proposals without completed contact information, and signature(s) indicating all proposed presenter(s) have agreed to participate in the session.
- Include a catchy, interesting title that corresponds with the session description and learning objectives and clearly expresses the goal of the session.
- Include 3 to 5 specific learning objectives for attendees and a 150- to 200-word session abstract. The learning objectives should correspond to skills attendees will learn from the session and apply to their own work.
- Include the estimated time requirement. (Presentations may be 1 or 2 hours in length.)
- If the abstract is chosen, presenters must submit a .jpg headshot image.
- Presenters should not submit presentations that have been given at AHDI conferences in the past.
Evaluation of Proposals
The Program Committee will review all proposals based on the following criteria:
- Call for Presentations Form: The Committee will not review proposals that do not provide complete presenter contact information, the signature of each presenter, 3 to 5 learning objectives, 150- to 200-word session abstract, or other required information.
- Content: Sessions should address original research or case studies, innovative practices, creative solutions, and the future of healthcare documentation. Presenters should be sensitive to the potential over-commercialization of products and/or services discussed in the context of their sessions. Presentations that focus only on the commercial aspects of a product or service are not permitted.
- Learning objectives: Much provide clearly stated and achievable objectives for the presenters in the given time frame. They must be valuable for a participant’s career development.
- Panel discussions: If the presenters are balanced in addressing different aspects of a topic.
- Known presentation skills: If the presenters have already been seen at a previous AHDI or component events, how recently or how often, and whether or not the audience rated the presentation highly.