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Career Map for Healthcare Documentation


Domains/Specialty Tracks

Domains were identified with input from managers who are transitioning healthcare documentation specialists to new roles or current roles within their organizations. Skill set levels were created and matched with various roles within each domain.

Roles involved in the electronic health record and related information technology/systems. Positions mapped include:

  • Application System Analyst
  • Department Physician Coordinator
  • Department Technical Analyst
  • EHR IS/IT Manager
  • EHR/SR Trainer
  • IS/IT HIM System Support Analyst
  • Patient Portal Liaison
  • Physician Liaison to Healthcare System

View EHR/IT Careers

Creates patient care documentation via back-end speech recognition editing or traditional medical transcription roles. Positions mapped include:

  • Healthcare Documentation Specialist, 1-3
  • Medical Scribe
  • Senior Medical Scribe
  • HDS Supervisor
  • HDS Manager

View Healthcare Documentation Careers

Ensures the quality and integrity of the patient encounter. This includes all methods of documentation creation within the EHR, dictation/transcription, and/or editing. Positions mapped include:

  • Clinician-Created Documentation Integrity Auditor, 1-2
  • Clinician-Created Documentation Integrity Auditor Educator/Trainer
  • QA Specialist
  • Clinician-Created Documentation Integrity Coordinator
  • Clinician-Created Documentation Integrity Auditor Manager/Supervisor

View Document Integrity Careers

Health information management roles involving EHR chart analysis, coding, and clinical documentation improvement. Positions mapped include:

  • Coder I, II
  • HIM Technician
  • HIM Analyst
  • HIM IS/IT Data Analyst
  • HIM Supervisor
  • HIM Manager

View Revenue Cycle/HIM Careers

Administrative roles (also called support staff) consist of scheduling, billing, maintaining office records, patient check-in/check-out, filing, insurance verification, and computer charting. Positions mapped include:

  • Medical Secretary
  • Patient Services Representative

View Administrative Careers

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