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Preapproval Program for CEC Activities

What is AHDI’s Preapproval Program?

The AHDI Preapproval Program was established by AHDI and the Credentialing Commission for Healthcare Documentation (CCHD) to ensure credentialed candidates have a clear system in which to identify credit-worthy continuing education activities.

Companies and third-party vendors providing continuing education activities for certified medical transcriptionists (CMTs) and certified healthcare documentation specialists (CHDSs) must have AHDI preapproval to advertise and market activities as AHDI approved. Companies may not advertise continuing education credits if said activity has not been preapproved. *This program does not apply to AHDI local and state/regional components. See the AHDI Preapproval Program Guide for details.

Download the AHDI Preapproval Program Guide for full details regarding Preapproval Program policies. Submit activities by using the Preapproved CEC Activity Request Form below. For each preapproved activity, you will receive a “Preapproved CEC Activity Logo” to market the approved content, and each preapproved activity will be listed on the AHDI website.

AHDI Preapproval Program Guide

Preapproved CEC Activity Request Form

List of Current Preapproved Activities

NOTE: AHDI’s grant of preapproval to Provider’s activity/course does not constitute AHDI’s endorsement of the content of the activity, or of the Provider as the sponsor of the activity.



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