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Where We Stand


What We Do

AHDI works to set and uphold standards of practice in the field of healthcare documentation to ensure the highest level of quality, privacy, and security of health information. Complete, accurate medical records are vital to increased patient safety, improved quality of care, and the seamless functioning of the healthcare system.

Why it Matters

The public, policymakers, and even medical professionals are often unaware of the role healthcare documentation specialists play in promoting patient well-being and safeguarding against medical errors. A knowledgeable healthcare documentation specialist works in partnership with clinicians to ensure accurate documentation of health records that reflect a patient’s full medical history, making it easier to identify – and correct – inconsistencies that could compromise future care.

For Our Members

AHDI provides healthcare documentation specialists with the tools to do their jobs well. We help members by:

  1. Participating in the development of healthcare documentation standards that ensure secure medical information and consumer confidentiality.
  2. Advocating for legislation and regulations that protect the public’s healthcare information.
  3. Advocating for legislation and regulations that promote quality in documentation and the need for credentialed professionals.
  4. Setting standards of education and practice for the healthcare documentation profession.
  5. Anticipating and preparing for emerging trends and changes in the industry.

For the Future

Numerous challenges face the healthcare profession and healthcare documentation specialists – the evolution of the electronic health record, which is changing both the process and the role of practitioners in healthcare documentation. Furthermore, outsourcing of jobs overseas, voice-recognition technologies, and economic pressures are all transforming the healthcare documentation profession.


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